picture of adriana smiling

Practicum Pods, Episode 29: Adriana Vasquez

This month’s episode features fourth-year GDB student, Adriana Vasquez (she/her). Adriana's practicum project is titled “Assessing Male vs Female Collagen Production Following a Burn Injury Via Masson's Trichrome Stain.” She completed her practicum project with her mentor, Dr. Athena Soulika from the Shriners Hospital Department of Dermatology.

Links & Information
Mentor: Dr. Athena Soulika
Email: asoulika@ucdavis.edu 

Shriners Hospital Department of Dermatology Website: https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/pediatric-care/wound-care-and-skin-disorders

The transcription for the episode can be found here.

Email gdb-advise@ucdavis.edu with ideas or suggestions for Practicum Pods, or if you would like to be interviewed for a future episode!
