Cultural Competence and Humility in Education

Hello GDB Students!

One of the remarkable aspects of UC Davis is its incredible diversity. Our campus is enriched by individuals from all walks of life, contributing to the unique and vibrant community we enjoy. When attending a university with such a diverse student and faculty body, we have to address some really important principles: cultural humility and competence. These two key concepts play an important role in our day-to-day lives but also in education.

What is Cultural Humility and Cultural Competence? 

Unlocking Resources for GDB Students: How to Get an EBT Card with Aggie Compass and CalFresh

Hey GDB students!

College life can be a whirlwind of lectures, labs, and late-night study sessions. Amidst all this, taking care of your nutrition is vital. That’s where Aggie Compass and CalFresh come in handy, offering essential resources to help you stay healthy and focused. Let’s dive into what these resources are and how you can take advantage of them.

How to Take the Next Step After Identifying a Research Opportunity as a Global Disease Biology Student

Congratulations on finding a research opportunity that excites you! As a Global Disease Biology (GDB) student at UC Davis, you’re in a unique position to dive into research that can make a real impact. But what’s the next step? Connecting with the people involved—whether it’s a graduate student, research coordinator, or professional investigator—is crucial. Here’s how you can make that connection effectively.

Reach Out to the Right People

Navigating Research Opportunities as a Freshman GDB Student

Starting your journey as a Global Disease Biology (GDB) major at UC Davis is exciting and full of possibilities. As you begin to navigate your academic path, you might wonder how to make the most of your time here. One of the best ways to deepen your understanding of the field and gain valuable experience is by getting involved in research early on.

Fall Blog: Eating Healthy on a College Budget

Healthy Eating on a College Budget: Tips for nutritious meals without breaking the bank.

As a college student, it can be difficult to find a balance between eating healthy without wasting precious time and money. Having a good, well-balanced diet is essential for college students to have enough energy to learn and study, as well as make sure that their health is cared for the best it can be. Here are some tips on how to eat nutritious meals without breaking the bank.