Practicum Pods

GDB Advising is proud to present our podcast interview series, Practicum Pods! We recognize that many GDB students share information about practicum mentors and opportunities through in-person interactions within GDB courses and in our office. In Practicum Pods, GDB peer advisors interview current GDB students to talk their practicum experiences. We highly encourage all of our students to tune into a new Practicum Pods episode every month to learn about different types of research, mentorship, and project specifics, and much more!

If you are interested in sharing about your practicum project on Practicum Pods, please email We would love to share your experience!


Practicum Pods, Episode 30: Anjolie Doan

This month’s episode features fourth-year GDB student, Anjolie Doan (she/her). Anjolie's practicum project is titled "MARCKS in Macrophages Contributes to Lung Cancer Progression." She completed her practicum project with her mentor, Dr. Ching-Hsien Chen of the Internal Medicine Department.

Links & Information 

Mentor: Dr. Ching-Hsien Chen


Practicum Pods, Episode 29: Adriana Vasquez

This month’s episode features fourth-year GDB student, Adriana Vasquez (she/her). Adriana's practicum project is titled “Assessing Male vs Female Collagen Production Following a Burn Injury Via Masson's Trichrome Stain.” She completed her practicum project with her mentor, Dr. Athena Soulika from the Shriners Hospital Department of Dermatology.

Practicum Pods, Episode 28: Rachel Jang

This month’s episode features fourth-year GDB student, Rachel Jang (she/her). Rachel's practicum project is titled “Combined Drought and Salinity Stress Enhances Fluorescence Signaling in Pistachio Root.” She completed her practicum project with her mentor, Dr. Georgia Drakakaki from the Department of Plant Sciences.

Practicum Pods, Episode 27: Nicholas Wang

This month's pod features GDB student Nicholas Wang! Nich's practicum is titled "Identification of Uncinaria spp. infections in California Sea Lions", which they did under the mentorship and in the lab of Dr. Steven Nadler. The transcription for this episode is linked here.


Practicum Pods, Episode 26: Nimra Nazar

This month's Pod features former GDB Peer Advisor and UCD Alum, Nimra Nazar! Sloka's practicum is titled “Experiences of Low-Income Undergraduate Students with Disabilities at the University of California, Davis.” She completed her practicum with Dr. Michelle Ko with the Undergraduate Public Health Scholars program in the public health department.

Practicum Pods Episode 25: Sloka Suresh

This month's episode features former GDB Peer Advisor and UCD Alum, Sloka Suresh! Sloka's practicum is titled “Evaluating the Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on Smoking Cessation Treatment Access and Utilization among Pregnant Women.” She did her practicum with Dr. Melanie Dove in the Public Health Department.

Find the transcript of this episode ⁠here⁠.



Practicum Pods Episode 24: Sophia Baltasar

Sophia Baltasar completed their GDB Practicum Project on Fetal CSF Clotting. Learn about Sophia's research experience in the GDB Office's May Practicum Pod!

Important Links:

Practicum Pods Episode 23: Audrey Spindler

Audrey Spindler is currently working on her GDB Practicum Project on  "Characterization of Kalmusia Fungal Plant Pathogen Species Emergent in California.” Learn about Audrey's research experience in the GDB Office's April Practicum Pod!

Important Information

Practicum Pods Episode 22: Keerthana Pagidimarri

Keerthana Pagidimarri completed their GDB Practicum Project on " comparative assessment of diagnostic techniques for try trichomonas fetus and prevalence analysis and cats from Yolo. County, California." Learn about Keerthana’s research experience in the GDB Office's March Practicum Pod!

Important Information

Practicum Pods Episode 21: Kazim Rizvi

Kazim Rizvi is a 4th year GDB student currently conducting their practicum project on "Circadian Rhythms of Drosophila melanogaster" Learn about Kazim's research experience in the GDB Office's February Practicum Pod!

Important Info

Dr. Fumika Hamada M.S. Ph.D, Associate Professor of Neurology, Physiology, & Behavior (⁠⁠)