Undergraduate Advising Resources

GDB Major Advising

GDB students have access to many on-campus sources of advice. The GDB Advising Office is made up of academic advisors, peer advisors (and current GDB students), a Lead Faculty Advisor, and an Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Scheduler.

Peer advisors and major academic advisors are the first point of contact for general advising questions. Major academic and lead faculty advisors can give students further information about career opportunities, appropriate coursework, and/or internships.

Visit our Advising Information page for current advising hours and detailed information about what kind of advisor you should meet with for your specific questions and concerns!

Meet the GDB Advising Team!

UC Davis Advising Resources

Staff and peer advisors with CAES (College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences), the college that houses the Global Disease Biology major, assist students with questions and concerns about:

  • College and university requirements, including General Education requirements (these are different from and in addition to your major requirements)
  • How to change your major
  • Degree checks (assessment of where a student stands with requirements
  • Personal difficulties that affect a student's academics
  • Concerns regarding Academic Standing (minimum of 12 units passed and a GPA of at least 2.0 each quarter quarter)
  • Academic Probation and/or Subject to Dismissal
  • Readmission/Withdrawal
  • Retroactive actions (Late Add/Drop, Grade Changes)
  • Excess Units

...and much more!


Additional Resources

Campus Support Centers