Position Title
Michelle Mallari
Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Scheduler

150 Hutchinson Hall
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Remote: Monday, Wednesday
In-person: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Hi, everyone! I'm Michelle, and I am the Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Scheduler for Phoenix Cluster. Phoenix Cluster provides student advising, communications, safety, and business operations support for the Departments of Entomology and Nematology and Plant Pathology. In my position, I also help support the advising teams for the Global Disease Biology, Animal Biology and Entomology majors.

I was a Global Disease Biology Peer Advisor for two years (2021-2023), which sparked my love for advising and supporting students in higher education. I also had the privilege of working as an undergraduate research assistant in the Sundaresan Lab, where I helped with research on synthetic apomixis in maize. Being a part of UC Davis has been and continues to be an incredibly rewarding experience!

What I can help with:

  • GDB 189 and 189D registration
  • PTAs for the following course subjects: ABI, ENT, GDB, NEM, PLP, and SAS
  • General advising questions (via the gdb-advise@ucdavis.edu email and in virtual drop-in advising)