Nimra wearing a yellow sweater and smiling

Position Title
Nimra Nazar
GDB Peer Advisor

150 Hutchison Hall

Hi, my name is Nimra Nazar, and I am a fourth-year GDB student. Ironically enough, I learned about the GDB major in 2020, right before the Covid-19 lockdown happened. During my senior year in high school, our senior project consisted of doing our own research project. I chose my research to be on infectious disease containment. This led me down a rabbit hole of questions and curiosities, eventually bringing me to the GDB major. I have been so fortunate to have found a major that genuinely feels perfect for me. Through my time in GDB, I have found a new love for public health and community health, and it is what inspired me to pursue a minor in Public Health and eventually get a Master’s in Public Health as well, which is what I will be applying to this year. I am interested in medicine and health policy, specifically addressing health inequities in low-income and minority populations. I am also hoping to become a doctor and apply my public health and OneHealth knowledge to medicine.

Outside of class, I am an undergraduate volunteer at Shifa Community Clinic, a member of the Global Perspectives Initiative, and a part of the undergraduate public health scholars program in which I am researching health policy for undergraduate students with disabilities.

I am so proud of the GDB major and all the people within the major! A major which is so unique and has so many ways to customize your learning experience! I am so excited to talk with you all about all things GDB and more!