emily with her dog smiling

Position Title
Emily Jajeh
GDB Peer Advisor

150 Hutchison Hall

Hi, I’m Emily Jajeh and I'm a fourth-year GDB major! Growing up, I was fascinated with diseases, especially how they affected their hosts and the environment. When I discovered the Global Disease Biology major at UC Davis, I knew it was a perfect fit. During my first year at Davis, I learned more about the major and its interdisciplinary nature; this helped me understand how I could use the resources provided to me in the GDB major to find my niche in disease research.

One thing I love about the GDB major is how it allows every student to forge their own path and find their niche within the world of health and disease. While every student can pick a very different specialty with their REs, they all fit together under the principles of One Health. This makes every student’s degree unique and prepares them for their career or post graduate endeavors. 

I completed my practicum research in Bwindi, Uganda in Spring Quarter 2024. For my project, I conducted a case study in the Kanyashande village in Bwindi. My study aimed to reveal correlations between factors like daily activities/behaviors, housing characteristics, and geographic characteristics with the prevalence of malaria in children under 5 years old. I also assessed parents' understanding of malaria; what symptoms they associated with malaria and where they sought treatment. Come talk to me if you want to learn about my research, how to find a practicum mentor, or how to do your practicum abroad!