January 2023 Student of the Month: Elizabeth Roth
Hello! My name is Elizabeth Roth and I am a fifth year transfer GDB student! I have always been interested in disease and how outside aspects contribute to the spread of the disease. The GDB program has allowed me to focus my studies on an aspect of disease that I am truly passionate about. Throughout my time at Davis, I have been able to study Entomology through restricted electives as I am interested in vector borne diseases such as Zika, Dengue, and Malaria. It amazes me how something as small as an insect can have such a drastic impact on the human population. I am currently working on my practicum within the Attardo lab where I study Insecticide Resistance in mosquitoes within California. Once I graduate, I am planning on taking a gap year to gain experience and develop new skills in laboratories and performing fieldwork. After my gap year, I plan on applying to graduate school for a degree within the public health field.