May 2020 GDB Student of the Month: Anusha Klinder
Hi! I am Anusha, a 4th year Global Disease Biology major and Education minor. I switched into Global Disease Biology my 2nd year after realizing how well the major fit with my interest in genetic disease. Many friends of mine are GDB majors with different interests than me, and I have learned a lot from all of them about the various career opportunities available to GDB students :) Inspired by some of the public health interests GDB offers, I began volunteering at Empower Yolo, a local domestic violence shelter, my junior year and am still part of the volunteer group! In the fall, I will be headed to UC Irvine to study genetic counseling as part of the medical school’s masters program, so I’m following through on my genetic disease interest as well. I am extremely proud to be in such a unique major with so many brilliant minds and cannot wait to see what everyone does during undergrad and after graduation!